Who needs to be and who is vaccinated?
Any staff or volunteer onsite spending time with the children need to be fully vaccinated. This is checked prior to them entering.


Are the Holiday Programs still going ahead?

We are running our Holiday Programs these school holidays, both for the kinder age and primary school age children. This decision has been made in conjunction with the Depratments of Health and Education. We have made a few necessary adjustments, but they will be just as AWESOME!

Can my child for sure come to the program?
No, under no circumstances can someone who has any COVID-19 symptoms or anyone who is considered a “close contact” or “casual contact” or someone with COVID -19 enter the premises, this will include parents coming to drop off as well. If you are feeling unwell or showing symptoms please do not register.  Also Please make sure to have downloaded the Victoria Service App so you can QR check in when on premises

Are there special rules for this holiday program while we are still recovering from the COIVID -19 Pandemic?

Yes there are. The full risk management and rules can be obtained from the office but some important ones are:
* Children and Staff  with temperature of 38 or above will not be permitted to enter
* Upon entry and before and after every activity children and staff will use hand sanitizer
* Families are not allowed to enter pass the foyer. Children will be brought to them there.
* Children out when eating
* We will have progressive meal times – half play outside whilst the other group eat and then swap over.
* We will Ensure children wash their hands thoroughly before and after eating and throughout the day
* We will sterilise areas where children will eat prior to and after eating

  How are you cleaning the service before each day/session?

We uphold the highest standards when it comes to cleaning our centre and have stringent processes in place. All areas and surfaces are cleaned prior to each session of care.

Hand Sanitiser and hand washing

Children and staff are being reminded to wash hands before and after they eat, after they go to the toilet and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Sanitizer is available as well.

I haven’t worked for 2 weeks due to COVID-19 virus and been in isolation, I can’t pay for my care. Can I go on a payment plan?

Yes, this is not a problem, Chabad Malvern is here to assist in any we can. You will need to contact Reuvi  to arrange a payment plan.

Additional Child Care Subsidy (temporary financial hardship)

ACCS (temporary financial hardship) is available to provide short-term support to families experiencing a significantly reduced ability to pay child care fees, such as if the parent lost income due to being unable to attend work. Eligible families will receive a subsidy equal to the actual fee charged by the child care service, up to 120 per cent of the CCS hourly rate cap. In most cases, the full cost of child care will be covered. It can be accessed for up to 13 weeks and eligible families are entitled to up to 100 hours of subsidised child care per fortnight. Families will be required to provide supporting evidence of a substantial reduction in their ability to pay child care fees, such as an email from their employer.


Should you have any other question or queries please don't hesitate to be in touch with REUVI: 0425-809-642 [email protected] 
