
A child’s third birthday signals a major transition in his or her education. For the first three years of life, a child absorbs the surrounding sights and sounds and the parents’ loving care. The child is a receiver, not yet ready to give. At the age of three, children’s education takes a leap - from receiver of their surroundings to giver. 

For a Jewish boy, this transition is marked the age-old custom of cutting the untouched boy’s hair. On his third Jewish Birthday  where family and friends are invited to a haircutting ceremony—called an  upsherin.

From this point on, a child is taught to wear a  kipah and  tzitzit, and is slowly trained to recite blessings and the  Shema

Click here to read more about the Upsherin ceremony and traditions. 

For more information about hosting your Upsherin at Chabad Malvern, please contact our shul office  here  or call 98224985, ext.9.

