Over Summer our schedule will be slightly different.
Please note from next week Monday 23 December there will not be a weekday Schacharit service only 
Sunday Mornings @ 8:30am
Shabbat Mornings @10:00am

There are no weekday Mincha/Maariv services except for
Friday night @ 6:45pm Mincha, 7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat Afternoon @ 1 hour and 10 minutes before Havdalah


Sunday: Shacharit 8:30am

Public Holidays: Shacharit 8:30am

Monday and Thursday: Shacharit 6:45am
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: Shacharit 7:00am

NEW TIME Friday Night: Kabbalat Shabbat 6:45pm

Shabbat: Shacharit 10:00am

Shul services are one of our melting pots for people from different backgrounds. Participants are not judged by their ability to take part nor by their religious knowledge.

ALL Shul services are warm, relaxing, heimish and easy to follow. Friday night, Saturday morning, Mincha and weekday services enjoy a great spirit and communal participation.

WHEN you enter Chabad House Malvern, you will be greeted with a warm welcome, encouragement and support. The community is actively involved in the services that are enjoyable and renowned for their decorum. 

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