
Bar Mitzvah Registration

  • Child's Information

  • We want to help ensure that children are halachically Jewish, so that there is no doubt in the future, especially for milestone events like Bar Mitzvah & Marriage. As a rule, Jewish Status is transmitted through the mother. Today, different modes of conception (IVF), surrogacy and adoption can sometimes affect this status and we are committed to supporting families through this process. Feel free to call Reuvi on 0425-809-642 for more info.

  • Pick a Date

    Please note, if parents are separated/divorced we must have consent from both parents before booking the Bar Mitzvah. Also, please include both parents’ contact details for individual advice on events occurring at Chabad.

  • Mothers Information

  • Fathers Information

  • Both Parents 

  • We require a copy of your Ketubah (marriage certificate) or of the maternal grandparents to be attached.

  • Family information: In the week leading up to the Bar Mitzvah we like to wish Mazal Tov to you and your family in our weekly community email

    Please provide the names of grandparents and great grandparents if applicable.

    Thank you. 


    An amount of $300.00*for Current Seat Holders (or $500 for non seat holder) is payable to secure your son’s Bar Mitzvah Date and for the use of the Shul & Kiddush hall (extra rooms may incur an extra charge).
    This fee is non-refundable.

    *If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please advise us to discuss.

  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
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