
Visit to the Ohel (resting place of The Rebbe)

  • Please join us as we visit the resting place of The Rebbe in NY. It is well known how powerful prayers and the requests for blessings are when at the resting place of a righteous person. This is much greater when visiting the Ohel - the resting place of our Chabad Leader - The Rebbe as he has a soul connection to every single Jew.

    Being that Reuvi, Menucha, Shimshon and Rivkah will be in NY and will be visiting the Ohel on Friday 17 th December 11am (Australian time), we want to give you the opportunity to join us virtually and pray while we are there. You may also just request for us to mention your name and pray on your behalf.

    Friday 17 th December 11am (Australian Time)

    Meeting ID: 228 743 9735

    Password:  4985

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